Welcome to the Rochdale Borough School Games Website

We aim to inspire the young people of Rochdale to achieve their best within sport and physical activity through the provision of high quality PE, coaching, sports leadership and competition. We want our pupils to enjoy a range of physical activities and to lead healthy lifestyles throughout their time at school and develop good behaviours leading to active adults.


On our website you will find a range of competitive sports opportunities, fun festival participation events, teacher and pupil CPD opportunities as well as all competition and event rules, results, and much much more...


The role of the partnership is to:

  • Build strong partnerships across our local schools to extend the opportunities that our children have to participate and compete in a range of sports and activities.
  • To reinforce the value of participation and the school games values across all sports to encourage children to retain an active lifestyle throughout their lives.
  • To network with schools and local organisations so that our coaches and trainers can promote positive attitudes to participation for all in sport.
  • To work strategically with our steering group and other partners to provide a broad range of events catering for a wide range of pupils. 

What is the Vision?

The School Games will continue to make a clear and meaningful difference to the lives of even more children and young people

What is the Mission?

Putting physical activity and competitive sport at the heart of schools and providing more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.

Positive Experiences of Competition

The School Games aims to provide every child with a positive experience in an environment where the young person’s motivation, competence and confidence are at the centre of the competition.

The toolkit is designed to support teachers of all children (i.e. primary, secondary, special and alternative provision settings) to carefully consider their part in reducing the risk of a negative experience in sports competitions. It is intended to help you to select, prepare and support more young people to have a positive experience of competition

What can the School Games Do for Me?

16,484 Schools already registered!! Are you one of them??

Become a Member Today!

Schools can now sign up to the School Games Partnership for the Academic Year 2013-24
The partnership has benefited from 39 member schools this year and we have supported them in a number of ways to offer a broad PE and sport provision.
Please remember that this provision is an eligible spend from your PE and Sport Premium funding and delivers on a number of the required outcomes.
If you are interested in becoming part of the partnership all the information you need to sign up are available to download below.
Once you have completed these forms please email to rbsgp@clrchs.co.uk  
If you would like anymore information please contact the School Games office on 0161 643 4009 ext;266

Membership Documents 2024-25

Membership Letter 2024-2025
Membership offer Sept 24-5 Py offer.docx
Microsoft Word Document 309.8 KB